Safeguarding Policy and Procedures

At Obsidian Cheer and Dance we believe everyone has the responsibility to keep children and young people safe. We will ensure all children and young people are equally prioritised within their safety regardless of age, gender, race, religion, belief, disability or sexual orientation. Obsidian Cheer and Dance ensures to follow the defined duty and safety to children and young people as stated in the Department for Education 2018, The Children Act 2004, and the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006.

Everyone at Obsidian Cheer and Dance share the same priorities and commitment to keeping all children and young people safe by:

  • Listening and respecting every child and young person

  • Ensuring our safeguarding policy and procedures are detailed and shared to everyone involved in Obsidian Cheer and Dance.

  • Appointing a child protection lead, Harriet Jackman (Head Coach) who takes lead responsibility for safeguarding at the highest level within Obsidian Cheer and Dance.

  • Ensuring all staff and volunteers are safeguarding trained and understand the Obsidian safeguarding and child protection procedures

  • Ensuring children, young people and their families understand and know Obsidian Cheer and Dance safeguarding and child protection policies and what to do if they have any concerns

  • Building an environment where staff, volunteers and children know the expectations of their behaviour and feel comfortable to express any concerns. 

  • Ensuring all suspicions and allegations are taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately

  • Avoiding any personal and intimate relationships with a child or young person

  • Ensuring all staff and volunteers are DBS checked

  • Involving parents/carer wherever possible - for example if a child or young person needs supervising in a changing room

  • Ensuring written consent is always given by the parent/carer regarding transport, competitions or trips 

  • Ensuring written consent is given for any filming or photographs of the child or young person especially if this is to be published in public eye

  • Encouraging open communication and no secrets between everyone in Obsidian Cheer and Dance

  • Working in an open environment where every child and young person can be seen

  • Ensuring all cheer and dance is taken place in a fun and safe environment

If a individual indicates or informs any safeguarding or child protection concerns it is important to follow the following steps:

STAY CALM, do not cause any worry, stress or fright to the individual.

REASSURE, let the individual know it is not their fault and they will not get in trouble.
take in everything the individual is explaining
only ask questions for clarification and do not use probing or leading questions.
any concerns must be reported to the safeguarding lead (Harriet Jackman) in an accurate and detailed way. Record the date, time, setting, any names involved in the claim and ensure this is all signed and dated. Complete this on the day that the concern is raised using the Obsidian CAD safeguarding form.
tell the individual what is being said will be kept a secret. They must know that you have the duty to protect them and that this must be told to someone so they can get help and are not dealing with this on their own. Let them know they have support.
is vital. If they require medical attendance, call an ambulance and ensure the paramedics and any other health services are made aware of the possible safeguarding issue. 

(UKCA 2016) 

Our Safeguarding Lead is Harriet Jackman who can be contacted on 07585119031 or

Our Child Protection Lead is (being appointed 2023)

Any reports or concerns will be kept confidential and will be dealt with appropriately. 

Further information on safeguarding and child protection, including those mentioned above, can be found on the following websites below:

Updated 21/06/23                 

Signed: Obsidian Cheer and Dance